Scientific Review Urges Doctors to Inform Women of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link


Friday, October 31, 2014
by Karen Malec | | 10/30/14 2:00 PM
A second scientific review in 2014 has strongly urged physicians to warn patients about the abortion-breast
cancer (ABC) link before an abortion and argued the evidence for a cause-effect relationship is substantial.
[1,2] A. Patrick Schneider and his colleagues authored the latest review entitled, “The breast cancer
epidemic: 10 facts,” for the journal, The Linacre Quarterly.[1]
There are multiple, serious, health risks[3,4] associated with using the birth control pill and combined
hormone replacement therapy (CHRT), both of which contain estrogen and progestin, although the former
contains a larger dose. The authors of both reviews urged physicians to warn patients about the harms of
taking either these drugs.
Schneider’s team said, “…having more than
one risk factor compounds the risk of breast
cancer via synergistic mechanisms,” meaning
the risk increase the woman incurs is greater
than the sum of the risks for each of her risk
factors. They explained:
“The strength of the breast cancer
epidemiological evidence substantiates the
necessity that all females receive full and
accurate informed consent before they are
provided hormones, induced abortion, or
both. This informed consent is especially
imperative for a girl (and parent/guardian) or
a young woman, who is in the pre-FFTP (first
full term pregnancy) breast cancer ‘susceptibility window.’[1,2] As a family history of breast cancer, of which
the child may be unaware, increases the risk for the girl considering an abortion, the presence of a parent
may provide clinical information critical to accurate informed consent.”
The ‘susceptibility window’ is the period between the onset of menstruation and first full term pregnancy
(FFTP) when nearly all of the breast lobules are immature and cancer-susceptible. The worst time to be
exposed to a cancer-causing agent is during the susceptibility window.
After citing the World Health Organization’s warning about the Pill and CHRT as Group 1 carcinogens for
cancers of the breast, liver and cervix,[10,11] and how some physicians use a carcinogen (the pill) to treat
benign conditions (i.e. acne, irregular menstrual periods, menstrual pain). The authors declared:
“The prescribing of a known carcinogen to a child for any non-lethal disease is problematic. Such a
practice without the provision of full and accurate informed consent for the girl, and at least one parent or
guardian, is medically, legally, and ethically indefensible.”
Schneider’s team cited “evidence of an emerging breast cancer pandemic.” Noting the words of Harvard’s
Professor Brian MacMahon, the “founder of modern epidemiology,” who said “many of the prevalent forms
of human cancer are preventable,” and citing his landmark research[12], they listed other ways women
raise their risk: delay (or avoidance) childbearing, reduced duration (or avoidance) of breastfeeding.
It’s despicable that U.S. cancer groups and Planned Parenthood continue to deceive women about the
ABC link and downplay the breast cancer risk associated with the Pill.