Second Amendment At Risk, Chag Sameach, CUFI Washington Summit

Friday, June 10, 2016

Second Amendment At Risk

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck a major blow against the Second Amendment this week. In an opinion written by a Clinton appointee, the court declared, "We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public."

This will no doubt be quite a shock to pro-Second Amendment residents in the states covered by the 9th Circuit, which includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

This opinion will be appealed. That means the issue will be decided by the Supreme Court, which is currently split 4-to-4 on whether the Second Amendment provides for an individual right to own a firearm. So the stage has been set for the next president to appoint the justice who will decide the fate of the Second Amendment in America.

Chag Sameach

This weekend, Jews will celebrate Shavuot, which commemorates the day God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. To our Jewish friends and allies, we wish you a joyous Shavuot!

Speaking of the Ten Commandments, one of them is translated simply, "You shall not murder." That is fairly well understood throughout Judeo-Christian civilization. Sadly, there seems to be little respect for innocent life in many parts of the Islamic world, which is producing death-worshipping jihadists.

For those who still don't get it, the Palestinian culture is producing a society incapable of living in peace, side-by-side with the state of Israel. When news of the terror attack in Tel Aviv spread, celebrations erupted among Palestinians in Jerusalem itself at the historic Damascus Gate!

How can any politician of either party claim to be pro-Israel and still promote the fiction of a two-state solution?

CUFI Washington Summit

Join me in our nation's capital on July 18th and 19th for the 11th annual Christians United for Israel Washington Summit.

This year's Summit features an outstanding lineup of speakers, including:

Pastor John Hagee
Sgt. Benjamin Anthony
Col. Richard Kemp
Lt. Col. Oliver North
Malcolm Hoenlein
Erick Stakelbeck

There will be a Night to Honor Israel celebration featuring Dr. David Jeremiah, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the Summit via satellite.

Register now!

I look forward to seeing you there.