End of Day Archives

Collusion Sinks, Obstructions Soars, Sanders & Sharia Law, Reagan And The Wall

Collusion Sinks, Obstructions Soars

Reviewing the testimony of fired FBI Director James Comey over the weekend, I was struck by how Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee asked very little about the increasingly discredited narrative that the president and/or his campaign colluded with Russia during the election. Instead, they and the big media talking heads were clearly shifting toward a new narrative and a new allegation -- obstruction of justice.

Sanders Slander, The Georgia Leaker, Good News

Sanders Slander

Earlier this week, the Senate Budget Committee convened to consider the nomination of Russell Vought to be Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. What happened next was an astonishing display of left-wing religious bigotry.

Led by Vermont Grand Inquisitor Bernie Sanders, Vought quickly found that his budget skills were not the main issue of his confirmation hearing. Rather his Christian faith was on trial.

Comey Takes Center Stage, About That Clinton Investigation. . .

Comey Takes Center Stage

Former FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee this morning. I'll get to that in a moment. But in a rather unusual move, his opening statement was released to the public yesterday afternoon.

After reviewing the statement, Marc Kasowitz, the president's attorney, promptly and correctly said, "The president feels completely and totally vindicated." Here's why:

Ready For Comey?, Moderate Islam Rising?

Ready For Comey?

Former FBI Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow. And Washington is buzzing with anticipation. In fact, CNN has started airing a countdown clock to Comey's testimony.

Apparently the anticipation was just too great for some in D.C. Shortly before 2:00, the Senate Intelligence Committee released the first seven pages of Comey's opening statement.

This Winner Is A Real Loser, Ramadan Rampage Continues, Remembering D-Day

This Winner Is A Real Loser

The first deep state anti-Trump leaker has been caught and arrested. Reality Leigh Winner -- yes, Reality Winner is her real name -- was arrested Saturday for leaking classified information to The Intercept about Russian attempts to hack a voting software company and local elections offices.

Known Wolves, Perry's Pearls of Wisdom, Celebrating Israel

Known Wolves

British authorities have arrested 12 people connected to Saturday's London attacks. Just like Salman Abedi, who carried out last month's concert bombing in Manchester, the jihadis who went on this Ramadan rampage were known extremists.

It is extremely disturbing that they could pull off the London attacks, even as British authorities are still actively investigating the Manchester bombing and making arrests in that case. News broke Saturday that a 17th person had been detained in that investigation.

Profile In Courage, Planned Parenthood: More Abortions, Fewer Services

Profile In Courage

To the great frustration of the left and the NeverTrump movement, President Donald Trump demonstrated yesterday why he is a positive force for conservatism.

Subpoenas Issued, Targeting Israel, A New Record?

BREAKING NEWS: Moments ago, President Trump announced that he was withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. This move fulfills a key promise Trump made to the American people last year and, more importantly, was the right decision. I will provide more analysis in tomorrow's report.

Predictably, the left and its big media allies are reacting to this announcement with hysterical rage, accusing the president of threatening the planet.

Not Funny, Reagan Would Be Proud, Chag Sameach, Values Voter Summit

Not Funny

"Comedian" Kathy Griffin has ignited a firestorm of revulsion and anger. She participated in a disgusting photo shoot in which she is featured holding the bloody, severed head of President Donald Trump.

President Trump tweeted that Griffin should be ashamed of herself, adding, "My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!"

Trump's Trip, Fake News, Fake HistoryValues Issues In The News

Trump's Trip

President Trump returned to Washington Saturday night from his Middle East and European tour de force. You can tell how powerful it was by the attempts of American and European media to downplay the trip, and by the bitter reaction of some European leaders who had grown accustomed to a president who rejected American exceptionalism and embraced European socialism.
