End of Day Archives

Restoring The Right To Life, CIA Clams Up, Fighting Religious Persecution

Restoring The Right To Life

Of all the tragedies of abortion on demand, one of the worst may be that countless innocent American girls have been taught by the culture, and even sometimes by their parents, that their dignity and opportunity depends on their ability to destroy their own unborn children. I believe this sad fact is doing more to destroy America than what any foreign enemy could ever do.

That's not hyperbole, my friends. One million abortions a year is roughly 2,700 abortions a day. We are committing a 9/11 almost every day.

Electoral College Sabotage?, Four Years of D.C. Conflict

Electoral College Sabotage?

Are we going to be hit with a political earthquake on Monday, December 19th when the Electoral College electors meet to cast their votes for president in their respective states? A well connected, far left Harvard professor, Larry Lessig, is claiming this morning that 20 Republican electors are seriously considering voting against Trump. If true, that would be nearly half the number the left needs to overturn the election results.

Restoring The Right To Life, Focus, Please, Europe's Islam Experiment

Restoring The Right To Life

I hope everyone who cares about the sanctity of life fully appreciates just how close we may be to ending abortion on demand in America. Most of the pieces will be in place early next year. And that is why the radical pro-abortion left is preparing for "war." Their word, not mine.

Just consider this headline from today's Washington Post: "Planned Parenthood Ready For Abortion War."

The Left Blames Russia, Priebus Pushes Back, Christmas Carnage


Don't forget our year-end fundraising campaign. Now is the time to give -- your support through December 31st will be DOUBLED! Every dollar helps. Click here to donate online. As you will read below, the left is launching a massive counterattack!

The Left Blames Russia

The American Divide, More Fake News

The American Divide

President-elect Donald Trump went to Ohio State University yesterday to comfort the victims of last week's terror attack and to praise the hero police officer who brought Abdul Razak Ali Artan's rampage to a swift end. Here's what Trump told reporters after his meeting:

Obama's Fake News, Media Manipulation, The Trump Boom

Obama's Fake News

There has been a big controversy in the media lately over "fake news." Some pundits have blamed Hillary Clinton's loss on social media and "fake news." But the so-called "mainstream media" have completely lost the public's trust and respect. So it is not surprising that people are turning to alternative media outlets.

Remembering Pearl Harbor, Media Role Reversal, Transition News

Remembering Pearl Harbor

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor. Sadly, many children today do not have a clue about the significance of Pearl Harbor Day. This is a great time to speak to your children and grandchildren about the Greatest Generation and what it took to win World War II.

Ready For War?, A Tale Of Two Presidents, Progressive Demands

BREAKING NEWS: The president of Japan's SoftBank, Masayoshi Son, met with President-elect Donald Trump today. As he left their meeting, Son announced plans to invest $50 billion in the U.S. and create 50,000 new jobs. Let's see how long it takes for Big Media and Juan Williams to try to explain to us why this is a bad idea.

Ready For War?

Trump Talks To Taiwan; Leftists Have Breakdown, Old Glory Flies Again, Buy American

Trump Talks To Taiwan; Leftists Have Breakdown

President-elect Donald Trump answered the phone Friday and the media went crazy. Trump took a congratulatory phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. According to CNN it is "the first publicly reported call between a U.S. president or president-elect and the leader of Taiwan" since 1979.

Thank You, Carping About Carrier, Bias In Your Breakfast

Thank You

President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence kicked off a "Thank You" tour last night with a huge rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. The whole event was incredible. You can watch it here.

Here are some excerpts of Trump's remarks that I want to share with you.

On putting America first, Trump said this:
