End of Day Archives

Monday, April 15, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: There were two explosions this afternoon at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. There are initial reports of multiple people killed and others with serious injuries. 

Happy Tax Day! 

It's April 15th -- the day every Washington liberal loves -- Tax Day! That's the day when you pay for their big government schemes. Here are some interesting facts to keep in mind as you are writing that check to Uncle Sam and rushing to the Post Office. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Nuts With Nukes 

The tension keeps rising on the Korean peninsula. In a bizarre message today North Korea's Stalinist regime warned that Tokyo would likely be its first target in the event of military action. The warning comes as Japan has moved to rapidly deploy Patriot missile batteries around Tokyo and at other strategic locations in advance of an anticipated North Korean missile test. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Senate Begins Debate On Second Amendment Rights 

The Senate voted this morning to begin debate on legislation limiting Second Amendment rights. Big Media is breathlessly reporting that a breakthrough deal was reached on background checks, which allowed this debate to move forward. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

More Anti-Christian Bigotry In The Military 

Yesterday we reported on the outrageous briefing an Army Reserve unit in Pennsylvania received that labeled "Evangelical Christianity" and "Catholicism" as examples of "extremism." The Army said it was an "isolated incident." Sadly, it isn't.

Today there is news that Army Lt. Col. Jack Rich of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, sent an email warning of behaviors inconsistent with "Army Values" and warning about various groups that "do not share our Army Values." 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cowering Before North Korea 

Nobody knows what is going through Kim Jong Un's fevered brain. North Korea's young dictator has been hurling threats and invective for weeks. His regime has warned foreign diplomats that it cannot guarantee their safety after tomorrow. North Korea is warning foreigners to leave South Korea. And Kim has threatened nuclear strikes on specific U.S. cities. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Demonizing Family 

The left is pressing its anti-family agenda with common aggressiveness. Leading the charge are the propagandists at MSNBC. 

Professor Melissa Harris-Perry hosts a weekend show on the left's flagship network. To give you some idea of just how far left Professor Harris-Perry is, consider her latest promo spot for more "investments" in education. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Another Jobs Disaster 

The Labor Department released a bombshell jobs report this morning. The Obama economy created only 88,000 jobs last month -- well short of the 200,000 new jobs expected by most economists. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Another Broken Obamacare Promise 

Obama Administration officials announced this week that they would miss a deadline for the implementation of a key Obamacare program designed to help small businesses. Starting next year, Obamacare was supposedly going to setup an exchange program specifically created to help small businesses purchase cheaper health insurance. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Words Matter 

Media bias is a fact of life for conservatives. The left-wing spin on the evening news is bad enough, but it is not the only impediment we face. The media spike inconvenient stories that contradict their liberal worldview. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Planned Parenthood & Post-Birth Abortions 

Last week legislators in the Sunshine State succeeded in exposing the ugly reality of Planned Parenthood -- it is in the business of destroying children. 
