End of Day Archives

Breyer To Retire, A COVID Coverup, Appeasing Iran

Justice Stephen Breyer, who is 83 years old, will retire this summer at the end of the Supreme Court's current term. A heated Supreme Court confirmation battle in the middle of the heated midterm elections will put both parties in a bind.

Blue Lives Matter, Not Very Nice, Biden's Ukraine Crisis

2022 is not off to a good start for America. There are growing threats abroad (see below), growing supply chain problems, soaring inflation and COVID still persists. But most heartbreaking of all is that five police officers have already been killed in the line of duty this year protecting us.

The War On Cops, Caught Red-Handed, America At Risk

During his marathon press conference last week, Joe Biden didn't get one question on crime, even though polling shows he and the left are in deep trouble on the issue.

March For Life, Pro-Life America, Exposing Foreign Collusion

Today is one of the highlights of my year. It's the annual March for Life. Hundreds of thousands of people, including many young women, came to Washington, D.C., braving the bitter winter cold, to defend innocent preborn babies.

Foggy & Meandering, A Total Train Wreck, RINO Hunting

Apparently, the White House was so worried about the perception that Joe Biden isn't up to the job that they decided it would be a good idea for him to hold the longest press conference on record. It didn't go well.

Biden Speaks, Manchin vs. Schumer, Not So Woke

President Biden held a rare press conference today. He seldom engages with reporters even though most are his liberal cheerleaders. If you think I'm being unfair or overly critical, the left-wing Washington Post even conceded, "Today's news conference is a rare event for Biden."

Embracing Extremism, Breaking The Senate, Another FBI Disgrace

I have warned for years that threats to our liberty come from the left, not the right. Those threats were obvious from the beginning of the pandemic. In the name of public health, liberal politicians embraced the most extreme measures, while conservative mayors and governors did their best to balance freedom and public health.

An Important Victory, Biden's Bad Start, America At Risk

As you know, Supreme Court yesterday blocked Biden's vaccine mandate on American businesses in a 6 to 3 vote. Whether you've taken the vaccine or haven't, whether you want everyone to get vaccinated or don't care, you should be happy about this decision.

Business Mandate Blocked, Biden Takes Us Back, Biden's Recruiting Crisis

e are pleased to report that the Supreme Court has essentially overturned President Biden's vaccine mandate for businesses.

The Divider In Chief, The Missing Suppressed Voters, Division & Diversion

Joe Biden campaigned on a promise to unite the country. His misleading speech in Georgia yesterday proved what a hollow promise that was. Biden's remarks were nothing but lies, distortions and division.
