End of Day Archives

The Genocide Olympics, Speaking of Tyrants, Biden & Brandon

The 2022 Winter Olympics are scheduled to begin just a little over a month from now. The Olympic Games should be a time of celebration and competition. Instead, these games are an atrocity. They are a celebration of communist genocide.

Hope & Blessings

The battle continues in Washington as it does every day. 2021 has been an extremely challenging year in our nation's capital and throughout much of the country. We have struggled through another year of pandemic panic, economic malaise, partisan recriminations and all kinds of unfortunate records – record crime, record illegal immigration, record inflation, record spending, record drug overdoses, etc., etc.

But through all the acrimonious debates, as important as they are, no headline can turn our hearts away from the child whose birth we celebrate tomorrow.

Pray For Persecuted Christians

For Christians this is a joyous time of year. We celebrate the birth of Christ with our families in relative peace and safety in a free country.

But the latest news of nearly 50 Nigerian Christians being slaughtered by Islamists was a stark reminder that our peace and safety is not the norm for many Christians around the world. Yes, they look forward to the season with joy, but also with fear. Persecution against believers often accelerates during Christmas.

Biden's COVID Reckoning, Biden's Crime Crisis, Biden's Polling Crisis

Biden's COVID Reckoning


Columnist Byron York writes that Joe Biden is facing "a day of reckoning" for his mishandling of the pandemic. Biden's White House address yesterday suggests that he knows that day is upon him.


Manchin Cracks The Door, Left-wing Lunacy, Three More Bow Out

Manchin Cracks The Door


BBB DOA, The Panic Pandemic, Losing Our Freedom



Christmas Is Coming Early, Holding Children Hostage, The Pro-Abortion Left

Christmas Is Coming Early


Joe Biden must have been naughty this year because he's getting nothing but coal in his stocking. The administration is suffering defeat after defeat. 


Biden's COVID Crisis, Manchin v. Biden, The Anti-Semitic Left

Biden's COVID Crisis


Earlier this week, the United States reached a grim milestone – 800,000 Americans have died as a result of complications from COVID-19. This news comes just as the latest variant – Omicron – begins to spread throughout the country.


Trump Was Right, Cheney & China, Save Women's Sports

Trump Was Right


An exclusive investigation by the Washington Post "shockingly" concluded that Chinese technology giant Huawei really is an integral part of the communist Chinese surveillance state. The Post reviewed thousands of documents and PowerPoint presentations that were previously available online. They show:


Bidenflation Bites American Families, Exploiting Suffering, Appeasing Beijing

Bidenflation Bites American Families


America got more bad news on the economy today. Wholesale prices rose last month at a record pace! They jumped 0.8% last month alone, and they're up 9.6% over the past year. Inflation is running much hotter than economists had expected.

