End of Day Archives

A Prayer And A Warning, Georgia On Our Minds, Left-wing Violence

A Prayer And A Warning


One of the pleasures I had during this rugged campaign year was getting to know Rev. Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan’s Purse, a global humanitarian aid ministry. I’ve joined him at the United Nations to witness the first major speech on religious liberty by a U.S. president. And I was one of the group of leaders who met with Graham over dinner the night before the astonishingly successfully Prayer March in Washington, D.C., which by some estimates was attended by as many as 150,000 people.


Cancel Thanksgiving, Biden's Agenda

Cancel Thanksgiving?


First they came for Easter. Just before Palm Sunday and Easter, liberal mayors and governors shut down churches while allowing big box stores, marijuana dispensaries and abortion clinics to remain open. Overwhelmingly, churches complied, although I wish they hadn't. 


Now the left is coming for Thanksgiving. 


Left-wing Hate, Another Vaccine, Election Update

Left-wing Hate


Not Giving Up

Not Giving Up


I believe there is a good chance that President Trump won the election. I believe there is serious evidence of voter fraud, and I believe it should be thoroughly investigated. I believe the elections should end on Election Day and that ballots not received by the legal deadline (by Election Day) should not count.


But I want you to know that regardless of how the legal wrangling turns out, I am not leaving this battle. There are too many important issues at stake. 


Honoring Our Heroes , Imagine

Honoring Our Heroes


Today is Veterans Day. The day originally began as Armistice Day to mark the 11:00 AM ceasefire on November 11, 1918, that ended World War I. In 1954 Congress renamed Armistice Day as Veterans Day to honor the veterans of all our wars.


Sadly, we are living in an era of increasing hostility toward America. A false narrative has taken root on our college campuses. We are teaching our children not American history but anti-American history.


Trump's Success, Fox In A Free Fall, Defending Freedom

Trump's Success


What issue almost never came up during the 2020 campaign? Illegal immigration. Why? Because President Trump largely solved the problem. 


He spent tremendous amounts of political capital, against complete opposition from the left, and significant opposition from the right including the business community, to end ineffective policies and secure our border. 


Incredible News, Biden's Call For Unity, Schumer's Pledge

Incredible News


Trump Tests Positive, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, Unemployment Falls Again

Trump Tests Positive


As you know, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19. According to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the president is experiencing mild symptoms, but is working from the White House residence. White House physician Dr. Sean Conley tweeted that the president and first lady are both well. 


Washington Monument Reopens, Faith Under Fire, Schumer's Big Plans

Washington Monument Reopens


The Washington Monument reopened today. It has been closed to the public for the past six months due to the coronavirus. But as of this morning, eight visitors at a time can once again take the elevator to the observation deck 500 feet up at the top. 


Debate Night, The Smears Begin, Pelosi's Post-Election Plan
Debate Night
