Biden Laughs Again, Left-wing Lies, Liz Goes Left

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Biden Laughs Again


In times of crisis, Americans expect the president to rise to the occasion, not joke about it. But something is wrong with Joe Biden. Most Americans know that


After being briefed about the horrific massacre at a Christian school in Nashville, Biden’s first public comments were jokes about ice cream. That was bad enough, but he did it again yesterday.


While speaking to reporters outside the White House, the president was asked whether he thought the shooting was a hate crime. He appeared to laugh off the question, saying, “I have no idea.” 


The reporter pressed again, saying, “Sen. Josh Hawley believes it was.” Biden cracked a smile and replied, “Well, I probably don’t then. No, I’m joking. I have no idea.”


Six innocent Americans, including three little children, were just brutally gunned down.  




Has Biden ever said anything so inappropriate after a gay club was attacked? Is he just “out of it”? Or is this how he processes violence against Christians? After all, they were probably just Tennessee “MAGA Republicans.”




Left-wing Lies


Joe Biden says he has “no idea” if the Nashville shooting at a Christian school was a hate crime. But he’s never hesitated before. 


Remember his vicious attack against two innocent Border Patrol agents? He condemned them before the entire country without any evidence. (By the way, the Biden Administration is still trying to punish them!)


Whenever there’s an attack against a favored victim class, the left never hesitates.  They just declare it a “hate crime” and spin their narrative regardless of the evidence or lack thereof. Remember Jussie Smollett


While attempting to explain why the media ran wild with an outrageous hate crime hoax, so-called “journalist” Evan Thomas infamously said, “The narrative was right, but the facts were wrong.” In other words, as long as the narrative was right, the lies were justified.


This is why there are so many hate crimes hoaxes! (Here, here and here.) The intolerant left is locked in on its preconceived notions and bigoted stereotypes, and it intends to exploit the basic decency of most Americans by lying.


This is what the neo-Marxist left always does – it lies all the time in order to divide us and to advance its own political power. Refugees from communist China (here, here and here) are begging Americans to understand this.


From the very founding of our country to pregnant men and hate crimes, the entire left-wing establishment is gaslighting us on virtually every issue in order to silence conservatives, deconstruct normalcy and expand its power.


Wake up, America!


You must fully comprehend the narrative the left is spinning. If the Nashville school shooter was motivated by emotional distress, it’s all your fault because of the “hate” being directed against the trans community. 


The left is saying that if you want to protect little children from Nazi-like, disfiguring experimental surgeries and prevent them from being irreversibly harmed by powerful drugs, you are promoting “hate.” 


And that hate is so overwhelming that it justifies leftist violence against us.


So, if an 8 year-old boy says, “It’s fun to wear my mom’s high heels,” and his teacher says “Well, you’re a girl,” and state bureaucrats insist on castrating your son in the name of “love” and “tolerance,” what are you supposed to do? Let the state turn your son into a girl or vice versa? 


It’s already happening, my friends! And if you resist, leftist politicians want to put you in jail.


This is insane!


We must understand how anti-God, anti-nature, anti-science and anti-common sense today’s left has become. We cannot, we must not surrender to what is demonically irrational!


Please stand with me now! Help me defend Faith, Family and Freedom!




Liz Goes Left


Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney chimed in yesterday on the Nashville shooting. She tweeted, “If we really want to keep our children safe, we need to spend less time banning books and more time stopping the horrific gun violence in our schools.”


It’s striking to me that once someone turns on the most effective conservative president in history, they just keep going! 


Is she even bothered at all by the disgustingly inappropriate material (here and here) the left is pushing on our kids? Does this bother her at all?


But just 48 hours after an attack on a Christian school, Cheney is now regurgitating left-wing talking points. It’s outrageous, and it’s also very revealing about the mindset of some people in the GOP establishment.




Cruz vs. Mayorkas


Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was on Capitol Hill yesterday, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Ted Cruz unleashed a broadside against Mayorkas for his failure to address the crisis at the southern border. Cruz held nothing back. Here are the highlights:


“Mr. Secretary, I want to say to you right now, your behavior is disgraceful. And the deaths, the children assaulted, the children raped, they are at your feet. And if you had integrity, you would resign.


“The men and women of the Border Patrol, they’ve never had a political leader undermine them. They despise you, Mr. Secretary. . . 


“This is a crisis. It’s a disgrace. And you won't even admit this human tragedy is a crisis. . . You’re incompetent at your job. . . Your refusal to do your job is revolting.”




The Jury Goes Home


Politico reports that the Manhattan grand jury hearing the bogus case against former President Donald Trump isn’t meeting today and will hear evidence in unrelated cases tomorrow and next week. After that, it’s going home for an extended break. 


That means any potential indictment from Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg isn’t likely -- if it’s even likely at all -- until late next month.


We will keep you posted.




Tune In To Family Talk


I hope you’ll make every effort to tune in to Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk radio show today. I will be discussing the vital importance of America’s rich heritage of religious liberty, and why men and women of faith must be involved in the public policy arena.


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the culture war is very real and our children are increasingly at risk from the neo-Marxist left. But only one side will prevail in this war over the values we will pass on to our children and grandchildren.


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