Biden vs. Science, The Pentagon's Second Retreat, A Tale Of Two Phone Calls

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Biden vs. Science


Two top officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have resigned citing political pressure from the White House to push COVID booster shots without appropriate scientific reviews. There is increasing pushback from the medical and scientific community regarding the need for booster shots. (Here, here, here and here.)


Eleven other officials told Politico that there is "growing exasperation" with the Biden Administration, and more resignations may be coming. The left-wing media outlet adds that the FDA "is facing a potential mutiny among its staff and outside vaccine advisers."


In spite of the media's incessant rantings that Trump was "ignoring or politicizing the science," I don't recall anyone at the FDA resigning under Trump, not to mention a "mutiny."


When Biden announced his cabinet picks, he declared, "The Biden/Harris Administration will always lead with science and truth." Throughout last year's campaign, Biden claimed to be the candidate of "science." (He's not.


Biden said he had a plan to "crush COVID." He lied. More than 230,000 people have died since he took office. We're struggling with the Delta variant and others are on the horizon. Some plan.




The Pentagon's Second Retreat


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and General "Thoroughly Modern" Milley beat a hasty retreat again yesterday. This time they were running for cover from the ferocious Washington press corps. 


The two woke military leaders showed up for a press conference that sounded like they had taken their talking points from Biden's disastrous Tuesday speech, and their body language looked like two men who were being held hostage. 


But Lloyd and Milley, our tough military leaders, abruptly ended the press conference after taking just three questions from reporters. THREE!


Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin blasted the Pentagon leaders, saying, "The fact that they didn't take very many questions is an admission that they know that there are a lot of very, very difficult questions right now that they don't really want to answer."  




A Reminder


Watching yesterday's press conference, I was reminded of Gen. Milley's behavior in recent years. 


You may recall that on June 1, 2020, Gen. Milley joined President Trump in walking across Lafayette Square to visit a historic church that left-wing rioters set on fire. The White House had been under siege for days before this event. More than 60 Secret Service agents were injured battling Antifa and BLM demonstrators. 


The media falsely claimed that Trump had protestors "tear gassed for a photo-op," and "Thoroughly Modern" Milley got weak in the knees. He distanced himself from the commander-in-chief and apologized for visiting the church. He said he didn't want to be seen as "taking sides in domestic politics." 


So, I guess Gen. Milley is neutral when it comes to left-wing acts of arson against historic churches. Sorry, general, but that is taking a side – the wrong side. As Winston Churchill put it, "I decline utterly to be impartial between the fire brigade and the fire."


Later, Milley did more "virtue signaling" when he said that he seriously considered resigning over Trump's visit to the church. 


Inquiring minds want to know: Did Milley seriously consider resigning at any point in the last three months as Biden ordered such a disastrous withdrawal plan? 


Nobody died during Trump's visit to the church. And it seems to me that the horrific images we have seen over the last two weeks are significantly more dangerous than a walk across Lafayette Park.


One more note: In 2019, President Trump announced that he wanted to have a Fourth of July parade in Washington, D.C., that would honor the U.S. military and display some of our powerful arsenal. The left and the media went nuts. The Pentagon brass fretted about the "politicization" of the military. Gen. Milley did not attend the "Salute To America" in 2019 due to a "prior engagement."


Well, this week we got a parade showcasing some of our impressive military arsenal. There's only one problem: The parade took place in Kabul, not Washington, D.C., and the men and women proudly marching were not our heroes, but the jihadists of the Taliban


Biden and Milley could have been in a float in this parade since they made the decision to leave the weapons they didn't want displayed in our nation's capital in the hands of our enemies.  


By the way, the Biden Administration is now scrambling to cover-up the full extent of this fiasco.




A Tale Of Two Phone Calls


In July of 2019, President Trump called the president of Ukraine and said that he wanted him to get to the truth. Trump also reassured him that the weapons he needed to defend his country from Russia were on the way. That became the "quid pro quo" that led to Trump's impeachment.


Two years later, almost to the day, Joe Biden called the president of Afghanistan and essentially said, "I need you to lie about what is happening on the ground there. It's not helpful if everyone realizes the Taliban is winning."


According to a transcript of the call provided by Reuters, Ghani said he needed U.S. air support for the Afghan military to successfully fight back, and Biden said we would continue to provide it. (Biden lied about that.)


So, Trump told the leader of a nation to get to the truth, and Democrats impeached him. Biden told the leader of a nation to lie, and there's crickets.


By the left's own standards, Biden deserves to be impeached.




Our Precarious Position


We told you yesterday that 52% of the public wants Biden to resign over his Afghanistan fiasco. Asked if Biden should be impeached for leaving American citizens stranded behind enemy lines, 60% of Americans said, "Yes."


Meanwhile, only 38% of Americans feel that Kamala Harris is "qualified" to be president. That's the precarious situation we are in today. 




Attacking Truth


As the nation prepares to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks next week, the Virginia Department of Education released an outrageous video entitled, "Culturally Responsive and Inclusive 9/11 Commemoration."


The video was meant to inform Virginia's teachers on how they should instruct their students to think about the attacks that day. And it's as awful as the title sounds.


In the video, social justice lecturer Amaarah DeCuir tells teachers to understand that there are "multiple perspectives" and "worldviews" regarding 9/11. She urges teachers to refer to the 9/11 hijackers as "extremists," not "terrorists."


DeCuir states flatly that the "false assumption of Muslim responsibility for 9/11" is out, adding, "We're just going to begin right there and say there is no responsibility." 


Certainly, it would be wrong to say that all Muslims are collectively responsible for 9/11. But you can't teach 9/11 truthfully without noting that all 19 Al Qaeda hijackers were Muslims, that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were motivated by Islam and that the Taliban, which protected Al Qaeda, is also motivated by Islam. 


But there's more. DeCuir also told teachers to reject "American exceptionalism."


The Pilgrims and our founding fathers believed that America was "a shining city upon a hill." That's where the idea of American exceptionalism comes from. It's the exact opposite of what the left believes. They are constantly telling us that America is a horrible place. 


If these so-called "progressives" really think America is so bad, take a good look at what is happening in Afghanistan today, which is, once again, under the brutal control of Islamic supremacists. That's what real oppression looks like!


It's more than ironic that the left has chosen to implement this obscene curriculum that denies American exceptionalism in Virginia. Many historians would argue that a good bit of America's exceptionalism sprang from Virginia. 


Many of our founders – men like Washington, Jefferson and Madison – were born, raised and educated in Virginia. Such were the men who came out of the Virginia schools of their era. What they wrote about G-d, liberty and freedom has impacted the entire world. 


Today, the left seems determined to ensure that we don't graduate any more men like that out of Virginia's schools. When progressives say they want to "fundamentally transform America," we better take them seriously.