End of Day Archives

AOC Hates The USA, Taxpayers First, A Reckoning

AOC Hates The USA
According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 51% of voters agree with this statement:  "Right now we have people in Congress who hate our country."  Only 34% disagree, and 15% aren't sure.  But that a majority of voters, and perhaps as many as two-thirds of voters, feel that way should be cause for alarm.

A Worthless Resolution, What Was Missing, The Brave 23

A Worthless Resolution
After repeated fumbles, the House Democrat leadership finally got their resolution against bigotry across the goal the line yesterday evening.  The vote was 407-to-23. I am not going to applaud those who supported this resolution.  It was worthless. 

Divided Over Anti-Semitism, Progressive Anti-Semitism, Free Speech On Trial

Divided Over Anti-Semitism
How in the world did we get to the point where it is now a political crisis in the Democrat Party to simply condemn anti-Semitism on the left?  But that's exactly what's happening.
Consider this Washington Post headline:  "House Democrats Splinter Over Response To Rep. Omar's Alleged Anti-Semitism."

Border Emergency, Baker Takes The Cake, There Is Hope

Border Emergency

Anti-Semitism In Congress, Left-wing Hypocrisy, The Left's Projection

Anti-Semitism In Congress
Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) continues on her anti-Semitic jihad.  I will not say that she is simply anti-Israel.  She is obsessed with Israel.  Her repeated criticisms of the Jewish state fit the classic definition of anti-Semitism. 

Trump Defends America, Reclaiming The Campus, The Intolerant Left

Trump Defends America; The Left Howls
President Trump delivered an epic two-hour speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday.  If you missed it, you can watch it here
As you can imagine, the president covered a lot of ground.  He highlighted several themes, which I expect we will hear frequently in the days ahead, including this one:

The Thin Blue Line, The Useless U.N., The Left's Embrace Of Socialism

MS-13 vs. The Thin Blue Line
Last year, President Trump triggered the left when he referred to MS-13 gang members as "animals."  He said, "You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." 
The media and open borders advocates went nuts.  They falsely accused Trump of denigrating Hispanics and immigrants generally.

Trump's Reykjavik, Meadows Fights Back, Guns For Illegals

Trump's Reykjavik
We awoke this morning to the news that no deal was reached at the Hanoi Summit.  During a press conference that took place around 2:00 AM ET, President Trump explained what happened:  The issue was denuclearization, which is why we are having these talks. 

Cheering For America, House Votes For Open Borders, The Constitution & The Cross

Cheering For America
I got up this morning and, like millions of other Americans, I turned on the news to see if there were any signs of progress in the negotiations between President Trump and Kim Jong-un. 
Those who know me know that I have been a "Cold Warrior" my entire life.  I was drawn to Ronald Reagan because he understood that we had to defeat the Soviet Union.  I am very skeptical of regimes like China, Iran and North Korea. 

The Left Hates Children, The Left Hates Women, Ready For Reparations

The Left Hates Children
In recent days, little children and teenagers have been all over Capitol Hill.  They were being used as props in a campaign to pass radical legislation that we are told will stop climate change. 
