End of Day Archives

The Caravans Are Coming , A Message To Conservatives, Confronting Communist China

The Caravans Are Coming


Another caravan comprised of thousands of illegal immigrants is headed our way. They're breaking laws all over Mexico as they clash with police and law enforcement on their march north toward our border. 


The Gathering , Obama's Big Lie, Taxing Wealth

The Gathering


I was honored to speak at this year's "The Gathering," an annual event hosted by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson, where they bring together leaders in the fight for Judeo-Christian values and many generous people who have supported their efforts. 


There was an all-star lineup of speakers, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Eric Metaxas, General Michael Flynn, and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. 


BREAKING NEWS , A Second Test, Assaulting Freedom



The Supreme Court announced today that it will hear two challenges to Texas's pro-life heartbeat law on an expedited basis with oral arguments taking place on November 1st. 


The court again refused requests to temporarily block enforcement of the law while the cases are heard. So, it remains in effect for now, saving the lives of innocent unborn babies.


TRUTH Social, Time For Honesty, Left-wing Anti-Semitism

TRUTH Social


Biden's Department Of Injustice, Speaking Of Injustice, What's The Plan

Biden's Department Of Injustice


I drove by the Justice Department the other night, and the lawyers of the Biden revolution were burning the midnight oil. More than 10,000 lawyers work for the Justice Department. They're graduates of our "best" law schools, meaning our most "woke" law schools. 


In a normal America, we would feel good when the lights are on late at the Justice Department. They would probably be going after drug traffickers, organized crime or Chinese spies stealing our technology. But not these days.


Stop The Mandate Madness, Manchin's Meetings, Speaking Of Virginia

Stop The Mandate Madness!


As you know, I am adamantly opposed to the left's effort to penalize people over their vaccine status. Good people, including many frontline heroes, are being threatened with losing their jobs and homes by left-wing politicians who are on a massive power trip. 


In many cases, these individuals have already had the virus, meaning they have antibodies or "natural immunity." That's science! In a free country, people should be able to bank on that science without risking their livelihoods. 


We Are The Frog, Surprised Again

We Are The Frog


I got up this morning and I was angrier than ever, and you should be too! 


Joe Biden has unleashed the power of the FBI and our anti-terrorist laws to go after not jihadists, not communist Chinese spies, not organized crime or drug cartels, but moms and dads!


Congratulations Clarence, Another D.C. Insurrection, Couric Censored The News

Congratulations, Clarence!


Biden's Latest Crisis, It's A Bad Bill, Aid Or Ransom

Biden's Latest Crisis


Ever since Joe Biden took office, America has been lurching from one crisis to the next. If it's not COVID, it's the border. If it's not the border, it's Afghanistan. (See below). And if it's not Afghanistan, it's the economy. 


Now we're in a crisis of frozen supply chains. It's been going on during the entire Biden presidency, and like so many other crises, the Biden team has largely ignored it. But facing the prospect of a Christmas with no gifts under the tree, now they're jumping into action.


Victims Of Progressivism, Biden Family Corruption

Victims Of Progressivism


Loudoun County, Virginia, has become ground zero in America's culture war. Concerned parents have been battling radical school board members and their outrageous left-wing policies for quite some time. There's a recall effort against most of the school board members and new demands for the superintendent of schools to resign.

